by Henry Adepegba

There is no better time to become a metaverse fashion designer than now. The digital world is evolving at a fast rate and becoming more real than we can ever imagine. We now have improved technologies that help in digitizing physical activities and items, and also providing real-time demonstration for things that are beyond our reach due to distance. Hence, the digital world is not just becoming more real, it is also collapsing the limitations of distance to bring us realities. The latest of this kind of digital invention is the metaverse.

Various industries in different countries of the world, including Nigeria are starting to move their activities into the metaverse, taking advantage of the benefits it provides to expand the scope of their business. One industry that has joined that trend is the fashion industry. We have amazing innovations and ideas that are currently advancing the fashion design industry, and many upcoming metaverse fashion designers.

Recently, Scarlet Yang, a metaverse fashion designer created a garment that changes texture in response to temperature and weather and becomes dissolved if left in water. Yang made the garment from algae extract, which forms a leather in 3D molds before treating it with a silk cocoon. Yang did these by experimenting with different fashion software and running different simulations before reaching her goal.

Suffice to say that she presented this at the metaverse Fashion Week, a digital event for metaverse fashion designers. 

Her viewers could see the garment in real time and feel it as though they were seeing it physically. This is one of the many wonders of the metaverse. If you want to know about this awesome innovation learn how to become a metaverse fashion designer, then walk this journey with me.

In this article, I shared how the metaverse works, and how fashion designers can leverage metaverse for expanding their business.

How the Metaverse Works

The word metaverse was first coined by Neal Stephenson, a Novelist. In his book he depicted how people could use digital avatars of themselves to escape a dystopian reality. This fictitious illustration has now become a reality.  Metaverse is from the words “meta” and “verse”, meta meaning beyond, and verse a short form of universe. Thus, metaverse literally means beyond universe, which implies a world outside this world.

Metaverse is a digital world that seeks to operate as the real world. So, you can buy items, attend class, discuss business transactions, and engage in activities as much as you can stretch the innovation. As a matter of fact, there are people buying digital lands, and engaging in digital real estate business in the metaverse.

Read also: Why Metaverse is the new frontier in technology.

Now, the fashion industry has joined in this trend. Metaverse fashion designers are turning digital pictures of clothes into metaverse items that their customers can see, feel and even try on irrespective of their location. What a time to be alive!

You can enter the metaverse with the aid of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) headsets or glasses. The AR and VR glasses will be preprogrammed with your location in the metaverse just like you type in a web address on web browsers. In the case of the metaverse, you are not browsing through web pages, you are actually walking through them, feeling every object as though it were real physically. 

This is an extension of how holograms beam images and videos from projections into the real world. Metaverse is what you can call an amalgamation of the physical and virtual world. It is safe to say that metaverse and the fashion design industry is giving birth to a mix of digital and hand craft called metaverse fashion designers.

Now, this reality is what fashion designers can take a hold of and learn how they can tap into the Metaverse to become a part of this trend.

Fashion and Metaverse

The new metaverse fashion industry is leveraging the possibilities of the metaverse technology to improve the customer experience of their products. The advent of the web helped fashion designers weigh in on the ecommerce trend and through it, many were able to expand their business beyond physical locations to the web where they can showcase their products to a larger audience. 

Fashion and Metaverse

Fashion and Metaverse

Now, the metaverse has improved on that, and fashion designers can leverage some improved realities for their brand, thus graduating from fashion designers on e-commerce stores to becoming metaverse fashion designers.

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Metaverse innovations for fashion designers

Here are some innovations of the metaverse that fashion designers can take advantage of.

  1. Digital Showrooms

Most times, when you visit an e-commerce fashion store, you can only imagine how the clothes would look good on you, you cannot try them on, since they are not within your reach. Well, there is a solution to that now. 

Metaverse fashion designers can now make their clothes available in digital showrooms where customers can virtually interact with any piece of clothing. This sounds like SciFi, but it’s real! This implies that the clothes you see on e-commerce stores can now be available to you in a 3D format and you can take a 360 degree look at them accessing and touching every detail with the aid of AR and VR glasses which are the vehicles of the metaverse.

You can even try the clothes on, by dragging one of the clothes in the showroom onto a picture of yourself, or your avatar in the metaverse. You can see if it fits before making an order. This is customer experience at its peak!

  1. Leveraging Metaverse video games for Metaverse performance

One industry that has mastered the metaverse is the gaming industry. The gaming industry seems to have the upper hand in the metaverse. So, fashion brands are partnering with gaming industries to create video game collections of fashion styles. For example, Balenciaga released their collections for Autumn as a video game. They did this by partnering with Fortnite, a gaming company to create items that will appear in the game as well as in real life.

Moreso, when Gucci produced a digital version of their Gucci Garden collection as a video game, by partnering with Roblox, a gaming company, they recorded more sales than what they realized on the physical sales of the Gucci Garden collection. Thus, metaverse fashion designers can partner with gaming companies to create video collections of their products in the metaverse.

Read also: Blockchain Metaverse (Does the metaverse need blockchain technology?

  1. Metaverse Influencers

Let me give you a shocker. Not all social media influencers are real human beings! Creepy right? Well, there are digital influencers that have social media accounts just like you and me, post updates like you and me, and are even better at it than us, because they are programmed and have technical knowledge of how to top the charts of the social media handle they are operating. These digital influencers can help garner engagements for products and make your brand popular.

For example, Lil Miquela with the blue tick verification on Instagram is not a human being. She is a metaverse influencer created by Brud, a startup in Los Angeles. She presently has 3M followers and her engagement rate is in the same ranks with the likes of Beyonce, and Cardi B. You should take a look at her page and see how well she acts like a human being. She is the definition of “Not everything you see is real”. She is real, but you see, reality has different explanations and one of them is the metaverse. A world beyond our world.

Metaverse fashion designers can leverage on this technology to create influencers for their brands, they can model your clothes at no cost, since you won’t be paying digital beings.


The world of Metaverse


Do you now see that there are boundless possibilities for fashion designers in the metaverse? We are stepping into a new phase in the fashion industry and the industry will only respond to those that leverage the opportunities in this next phase. These possibilities are still in their prime, so you can get ahead by learning more about them and see how you can take advantage of them for your fashion industry. This is the best time to be a metaverse fashion designer and make a great deal out of it!

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