Balancing your career with family is a very important aspect of life that every working-class Nigerian must take into cognizance. But unfortunately, we live in times where people find it overwhelming to build a balance between how to manage a career and family. The truth is, it is not that easy to create that balance between managing family and work. Balancing your career with your family takes a deliberate decision and effort.
Both family and career are pivotal in the life of every individual. However, creating the needed balance is a challenge for many. This is because your career and family life are full-time jobs requiring time, energy, and dedication to manage effectively.
I will share some quality tips that will help you in no small way to balance your career with your family.
Table of Contents
Seven (7) Tips to Balance Your Career With Your Family
Clearly outline your career boundaries to your family
To balance your career with your family, you will need to let your family know the boundaries that come with your workplace. For instance, some organizations don’t entertain visitors during working hours, so you see, it wouldn’t be a nice thing if any of your family members came to see you at work; that will be violating your office policies and may not be good for your records.
It would be best to let your family members know the rules and regulations guiding your workplace to avoid glitches at work. Informing your family and friends about the boundaries governing your career or workplace will go a long to help you balance your career with your family.
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Minimise carrying your office work home
Ensure you carry out your official duties at the office and not at home. Your family needs to enjoy their time with you. If you notice that you are beginning to build the habit of taking office work home, you will need to formulate strategies to ensure that all your official duties or tasks are carried out in the office.
Your spouse and kids may have spent the entire day without your presence in the house, so it is only wise to give them quality time when you return from the office. Moreover, you may not be able to focus attentively when working at home because here and there, you may be distracted either by your spouse, kids, or neighbors, and you don’t want that because it may alter your concentration and that will not be good for your delivery at work. If you truly want to balance your career with your family, then carry out official duties at the office and carry out family duties at home.
Make sure you celebrate your family members’ birthdays or special days
Sometimes you can become so busy with work that you may forget your family members’ birthday or special days. To help you curb such a problem, you must intentionally create a system that will help you remember your family members’ birthdays or special events.
Get a google calendar, or better still, set a reminder that will remind you and keep you abreast with the special days of your family and friends. Family members love it when you remember their special day despite your busy schedules. It will let them know that you have them in mind and help you balance your career with your family life smoothly.
Be there at their special moments; family members usually feel despised and unloved when family members forget their special days. Therefore, you must make an effort to be there at their special moments. These could be their birthdays, anniversaries, or other festivities.
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Build flexible working hours at your workplace
As much as possible, ensure that your working hours are flexible. The reason is that emergencies may arise, and your attention might be needed at home. If your working hours are too rigid, you may not be able to attend to emergencies or unforeseen circumstances, which will not help you balance your career with your family life.
Ensure you leave for work early and also come back home early. Please do your best to return home when your family members are still awake, enabling you to have some good moments with them before bedtime.
Deliberately create time for your family
Make it a duty to schedule time for your family every day, depending on the nature of your work. It could be in the evening after returning from work, on weekends or public holidays. You can even go further to balance your career with your family life by using your official leave from work to go for a family vacation.
This would go a long way to make your family feel important and not neglected. It is ironic how people claim that they do not have time yet, and waste a lot of time on things that are usually unnecessary. To balance your career with your family life, you must be deliberate and purposeful by creating time for your family members. Don’t find yourself engaged in activities other people engage in that are time-consuming yet not very relevant; use that time to have fun with your family.
Learn to lighten up from work before coming home
Work is usually stressful. As a career man or woman, you must be conscious of not bringing home the stress and pressure gathered at your place of work.
This, therefore, requires the skill to let what happened in the office to stay in the office. Lightening up involves putting up a cheerful face, regardless of the challenges you may have faced during your work hours. Peradventure, if you had a bad day at work, don’t come home and transfer the aggression to your family members. Always put up a friendly and welcoming countenance anytime you return from work.
Create time to rest and refresh yourself
To effectively balance your career with your family, create time to relax and unwind. Take a break and go somewhere nice to refresh. You need to know your career and family will be affected if you break down suddenly. Ensure you take care of your body and health.
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In conclusion, family and career are important aspects of every human as such, the need for a careful balance is needed to harness the potential in both. It would be best if you were self-disciplined to achieve all the tips you have read. Without self-discipline, you will find it tough to balance your career with your family.
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